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Parachute Ottawa Posted by: Parachute Ottawa 2 months ago

Nervous about skydiving? Totally normal. But sometimes, fear can hold us back from experiencing life’s most incredible moments. If the idea of jumping out of a plane feels intimidating, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll dive into common skydiving anxieties, debunk a few myths, and share tips to help you mentally and physically prepare for skydiving.

First-Time Skydiving Anxiety

Doing something new and unknown can feel nerve-wracking, especially when it involves jumping from a few klicks up! Whether it’s a fear of heights or uncertainty about the process, we’re here to help you overcome your skydiving-for-the-first-time anxiety.

outside video tandem and instructor

Here are the most common concerns we hear – and why you don’t need to worry:

1. “I’m Afraid of Heights!”

Believe it or not, many skydivers share this fear! The good news? Jumping out of an airplane feels very different than standing on a ladder or peering over a balcony. At altitude, there’s no direct reference point to trigger that queasy sensation, so most students are surprised by how calm they feel when looking out of the plane.

2. “I Don’t Like Roller Coasters!”

Skydiving isn’t like a roller coaster. The aircraft is already in motion – you’re not starting from a stop – so you won’t experience that stomach-dropping lurch. The transition from horizontal flight to freefall feels more like floating. Under the parachute, some students can feel a little bit of the stomach tickle, but your instructor can adjust the ride to make it smoother if needed.

3. “What If I Chicken Out?”

It’s easy to assume skydivers are just a bunch of adrenaline junkies who might pressure you into jumping – and that couldn’t be further from the truth. Skydivers are some of the most encouraging, supportive people you’ll meet. If you decide not to jump when you get here or even when it’s go-time, that’s okay. Skydiving with anxiety isn’t for everyone. We respect your decision and are here to support you either way.


That said, as you go through the process, we’ll be with you every step of the way, cheering you on. Skydiving isn’t something we can fully describe – it’s something you have to experience for yourself. And we’d love to help you take that leap!

4. “I Don’t Want to Get Hurt!”

Skydiving is an extreme sport, and like any adventure, it involves risk. Tandem skydiving is designed to minimize those risks as much as possible, and tandem fatalities are extremely rare. With strict regulations, certified instructors, and modern equipment, the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor. 

Skydiving Safety

At Parachute Ottawa, safety is at the core of everything we do. Here is how we mitigate risk and ensure your experience is as seamless as possible:

  • CSPA Membership: As proud members of the Canadian Sport Parachuting Association (CSPA), we adhere to strict safety regulations and contribute to responsibly advancing the sport.
  • Certified Instructors: Our instructors meet all CSPA standards. A Tandem Instructor, for example, requires a minimum of 500 skydives, three years in the sport, and certifications from CSPA. Our Tandem Instructors also have their United Parachute Technologies (UPT) certifications. Ongoing training ensures they’re always at the top of their game.
  • Top-Tier Equipment: Every parachute system includes a main parachute, a reserve parachute, and an Automatic Activation Device (AAD) that deploys the reserve automatically if needed.
  • Meticulous Maintenance: We inspect and maintain our equipment and aircraft to the highest standards, ensuring they’re always ready for your jump. 

Tips for Overcoming Fear of Skydiving

Tandem skydiver and instructor coming in for landing in a large grassy field at Parachute Ottawa skydiving center in Canada

Feeling nervous is normal, but preparation can make a world of difference. Here are some practical tips that help to prepare for skydiving:

  • Know What to Expect: When you arrive, you’ll check in, complete a quick waiver, and meet your instructor. They’ll gear you up and walk you through the process step by step. Then, it’s time to board the plane!
  • Visualize Success: Picture yourself stepping out of the plane, feeling the rush of freefall, and gliding gently back to earth under the parachute. Visualization can help ease nerves and boost your excitement.
  • Breathe: Deep, steady breaths can calm your mind and body. And yes, you can breathe in freefall! If you find yourself holding your breath, let out a scream—it’s a great way to reset.
  • Trust Your Instructor: They’re experienced professionals who’ve guided countless first-timers. Listen carefully to their training, and you’ll feel much more prepared.
  • Bring Your Support Crew: Invite friends and family to cheer you on or even jump with you! Their encouragement can make a big difference.
  • Dress Comfortably: Wear close-fitting athletic clothing and lace-up sneakers for maximum comfort and mobility.
  • Fuel Up: Eat a light, healthy meal and stay hydrated before your jump. Avoid alcohol or drugs – they’re not allowed before skydiving.
  • Get Rest: A good night’s sleep will help you feel energized and ready to take on the challenge.
  • Plan Ahead: Arrive early to give yourself time to settle in and soak up the atmosphere.

The Reward: Why Skydiving Is Worth It

Conquering your fear of skydiving is a transformative experience that carries over into other parts of life. Jumpers often describe it as one of the most exhilarating, empowering, and unforgettable moments of their lives. It’s proof that you’re capable of so much more than you realize. If you can leap out of a plane, what else is possible? 

Why Choose Parachute Ottawa?

Tandem Skydiving student getting trained and geared up in the hangar at Parachute Ottawa skydiving centre in Canada

At Parachute Ottawa, we go beyond the jump. You’ll feel welcomed by our friendly team, reassured by our top-notch safety standards, and awed by the stunning Ottawa region views. Whether it’s your first tandem jump or the start of a new passion, we’re here to make it extraordinary.

Haven’t booked yet? Let’s GOOOO! We can’t wait to jump with you.

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