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Parachute Ottawa Posted by: Parachute Ottawa 7 months ago

Is there a skydiving weight limit? This is one of the most frequently asked questions we get among people looking to skydive for the first time. The answer is: yes, and it’s an extremely important factor when making a jump. In this article, we’ll address the skydiving weight requirements when jumping tandem and the restrictions that apply to PFF students and A CoP candidates.

Skydiving Weight Limits

Skydiving weight requirements are a matter of safety. Proper equipment function, airplane performance, and customer and instructor comfort are all taken into consideration when deciding on an appropriate weight limit for skydiving. 

And it’s not really an individual dropzone restriction. While each dropzone may have slightly different weight limits, airplane and equipment manufacturers actually set hard-and-fast rules about what weights they can handle. 

Tandem Skydiving Weight Restriction

At Parachute Ottawa, our tandem skydiving weight limit is 250 lbs. Additionally, those weighing between 220 and 250 lbs must be height/weight proportionate. In order to ensure we’re fairly and safely enforcing these limits, all tandem students are weighed at check in.

Student & Novice Skydiving Weight Restriction

What is the weight limit for skydiving once you become a student? It’s a critical question that some neglect to ask. At Parachute Ottawa, both PFF students and A CoP candidates cannot weigh more than 230 lbs and must be height/weight proportionate. 

Safety Considerations

Skydivers with sunglasses

Our weight restrictions are not intended to be discriminatory or exclusionary – we enforce these limits because we value safety above all else. Every aspect of a skydive – from the airplane ride to the landing – is impacted by jumper weight. Let’s unpack this a bit, starting with equipment.

Skydiving gear is carefully designed and developed for very specific use. The harness systems and parachutes used for tandem skydiving are manufactured with a balance between safety and practical usability – the same piece of tandem equipment will be used by countless people with a myriad of body types, but it’s impossible to create something that’s truly one-size-fits-all. The strict parameters equipment manufacturers place on the use of their gear is data driven and informed by extensive research. A dropzone that wants to use their equipment must abide by the restrictions put in place. The gear simply will not work properly outside of those parameters. 

Weight and balance is also crucial to successful airplane flight. The weight of each individual in the plane must be taken into consideration so that the total weight of all jumpers doesn’t exceed the airplane’s limitations. These carefully-considered parameters mean that the weight limits in place are vital and very precise calculations that impact safety and daily operations.

Another extremely important part of why we adhere to weight limits is for our instructors’ well-being. Tandem instructors take on a lot of responsibility, mentally and physically. They typically make several jumps a day each; it’s crucial that they aren’t overexerting themselves for both their safety as well as physical and mental health. We appreciate all of the work our instructors do to take great care of our guests, and to make each and every tandem an experience to celebrate and remember. We take great care of them in turn!

Physical Comfort

Beyond safety, there’s another reason the tandem skydiving weight limit is important: your comfort! Your skydive may be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and it should live up to that honor. It’s key that you’re as comfortable as possible throughout the whole event, and the fit of your gear has a lot to do with that. 

The tandem skydiving harness adjusts to fit well on most customers, but they only adjust so much. You’re going to be spending quite a bit of time in it – from before your jump until after you land. You’ll be walking around on the ground, sitting in the airplane, arching in freefall, and dangling under canopy – all very different positions! The harness shouldn’t impede your movement or compromise your comfort in any of these scenarios. 

This is where height to weight proportions come into play. Someone who is 6’2” and 200 lbs is going to have a different body shape than someone who is 5′ tall and 200 lbs. Both people will experience a different fit in the skydiving harness. 

Skydiving Health Restrictions

We can’t share information on skydiving restrictions and not mention some specific health concerns. There are certain health issues that may make skydiving dangerous, or even a total no-go, including:

  • Heart or cardiovascular issues
  • High blood pressure
  • Joint issues
  • Back or neck injuries
  • Pregnancy
  • Epilepsy or other seizure disorder

If you have or suspect you may have any of these health issues, be sure to talk with your doctor before you book your jump. 

Peace of Mind

Having peace of mind is key to a fun and successful skydive. Knowing that you are within the weight limit, that your harness fits correctly, and you don’t have any health or physical conditions that may impact your skydive will all help you be present in the moment instead of a state of worry. If you have any questions or concerns about your eligibility to jump with us, please get in touch – we’re here to support you. 

On the Ground Options

If skydiving isn’t in the cards for you right now, know that there are other ways to be a part of the community without making a skydive. It’s always exciting to come to the dropzone to watch skydivers land and be in the environment. Or you could try your hand at indoor skydiving. We’ve also known people to use skydiving as an incentive to hit a health or weight goal.

How to Prepare for Your Skydiving Experience


So, you meet the skydiving requirements – now what? Here are some things you’ll want to consider to prepare for your jump:

Are you ready to get sky high with us? Let’s go!!  

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